No fear have ye of evil curses, says you? Har...
Everyone is afraid of something. Fear is totally normal. But for some reason, sometimes it kinda feels like fear is something to be ashamed of. When I was younger, I was afraid of the dark. Actually, I still have a little fear of the dark, I admit. Growing up though, I never wanted to tell my friends I was afraid of the dark because I thought they would laugh at me or something.
I think one of the reasons why it's hard for us to admit our fears is because fear comes across as a weakness. Fallibility is part of human nature, but everyone tries to cover up their imperfections. "We all lead such elaborate lives". People put up a facade to hide behind. Sometimes the person you know is a different person than who they really are. The fear of being ridiculed can stop people from admitting their fears.
It's important to try and get over our fears. If we can learn to be open about things we are afraid of, our friends can help us and be more mindful of our fears. It's also a lot less stressful when you are open, honest, and don't have to hide behind a false personality. Besides, we're all in the same boat. Everyone has fears, whether they be of evil curses or the dark.
that is soo true i was afraid of the dark too when i was younger! mmm idont remember if i was fraid of ne thing else....i'll have to think about that one!! :)
I am still a little afraid of the dark too. Mostly nighttime... but I realized that other people were too and it was ok.
Yeah I think I'm afraid of the dark too, that must be why I sleep with so many stuffed animals :)
One of my other fears is writing blogs so I'm proud of you Nat
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