Thursday, March 03, 2011

Happy birthday, Spencer!!

And happy belated birthday Dr. Suess.

So, in honor of Spencer's birthday, Davies leaving the team, and Mariel wanting FatBooth...I give you this post.

I'm signed up for an institute class. Spencer graciously goes with me so I don't have to go alone. Lately, though, we've been having a hard time going. Last night we decided to watch the BYU game! We wanted to cheer our cougars on to victory!!

Unfortunately, within the first 15 minutes we knew the game was a lost cause.


We then began playing with our phones and my iPod. Mariel kept trying to get me to download FatBooth, but I was thinking: why do I want something that makes me look fat? Anyway, I could probably do that on my own.

Trying to look fat.

Eventually we were running out of things to explore on our phones, and the game was too painful to concentrate on (seriously, one of the cameramen for the game was texting me. If the camera guys are texting, you know the game is bad).

Soooo I did it. I downloaded FatBooth.

And here are the results.



Jason & Shannon said...

I love the pictures! Excellent idea!

Amanda Frost said...

I TA-ed Spencer in TMA 112. I think he hated me.