Saturday, October 31, 2009

Word choice?

I got this email from BYU the other day...I wonder if this is really what they meant to say. Personally, I would have used a different word.

"Dear Students,
There has been a technical glitch in the registration of classes, which many
of you might have already experienced. We apologies for the incontinence
but want to let you know it will be fixed by tomorrow morning. Thank you for
your patience."

Mom and Dad think I should send this to Jay Leno. Maybe I will.


Annie said...




(that is the biggest barrel-chested, gut-busting belly laugh I could muster). Because this is reeeeally funny!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, doesn't enstill alot of confidance in yor choise for hier edumacation, does it? And woodn't grammer cheque or spel chek have cot some of those erors? Sheesh!