Sunday, September 28, 2008

I have amazing parents

Exhibit A: My mother

Example One

Last Sunday I went home and my mom was making cookies. My mom will often make desserts (they are her forte) and take them to different people or functions, so I asked her what the cookies were for.

Natalie: Mom, are you taking those cookies to someone or are they just for us?
Mom: They're just for us, but I know your dad might go home teaching tonight so I thought he might take some of these.

Later that afternoon, I overheard this conversation:

Dad: Kerry, would I be able to take some cookies to the people I home teach?
Mom: Of course you can.

Dad, she was just one step ahead of you. She's wonderful. I love my mom.


Anonymous said...

I agree. Mabye you should blog about dad too.

Natalie said...

I'm going to blog about dad. That's why mom is exhibit A. I'll probably end up blogging about everyone.

Anonymous said...

You do have amazing parents! You are so lucky. (But you know, they also have pretty amazing kids!)

Anonymous said...

You are so sweet and the best daughter, ever!! I love you!


Melissa said...

You do have an AMAZING mother who I miss so much! You are so lucky to have her as your mother. And her daughters are pretty special to who I also miss dearly! Love you !