Saturday, May 05, 2007

A math equation for the Asian

(that was a good rhyme)
Subtract this:

Equals this:

I wish I had a picture of us in shock, or at least a picture of Hannah laughing, but this one will have to do.


Natalie said...

Come to think of it, maybe this post should go on ASCAP...

Noelle said...

Wow, you guys took a lot of pictures while we were gone.

Chlorine Addict said...

I don't get this equation. How does stopping me from playing clarinet turn me into a whole bunch of people? And wouldn't it just be a picture of me playing guitar? Actually, I play guitar instead of clarinet all the time, so there wouldn't be a change there anyways.

Natalie said...

No. It equals a hysterical situation, which makes lots of people laugh. That's what I was getting at, but I should've just put a guitar! Didn't even think about that one...

soccerball said...

Don't worry, NatNat -- I get what you were saying. Mark w/o his clarinet definitely did lead to a hysterical situation. Hysterically tragic, to pseudo-quote "Wicked."

Chlorine Addict said...

You could never take guitar from me. It's pretty much my soul.

Natalie said...

Thanks Han, for agreeing.

Chlorine Addict said...

Han? What is that? Like Han Solo or something? I never knew you were a Star Wars fan.

Natalie said...

Mark, have you made it your own personal goal to make fun of everything I say?

Natalie said...

By the way, I love Star Wars. So yes, I am a fan.