Monday, March 26, 2007

Lt. Randall Disher!

I love him!

He definitely makes the 'obscure guys I like' list.


Noelle said...

Yes! He's the greatest. There was this guy named Turnip Head who was he awesomest. He was like the smallest character, but he's my favorite. We should watch movies again sometime.

Katrina said...

I LOVE THAT SHOW! And he is definately one of the best characters! Have a good day!

soccerball said...

Mmmmm. . . . attractive! You know I fall for the dark hair! The business suit doesn't hurt either. :) Anyhow, I know I'm out of it, but who is he, and what show is he from? And could you also give me his number?

P.S. JK about the number thing. Just in case you were wondering. . .