Saturday, November 04, 2006

Look for a sky of blue

I just felt like posting some Little Mary pictures. It's kinda sorta almost been one year! I love Little Mary Sunshine!


Katrina said...

YAY for Little Mary Sunshine! I loved it! You'll never guess What Play MY school is doing!

soccerball said...

Natalie, those pictures are so cute! I wish I could have come to see you; I wanted to so bad! Oh, and I absolutely loved the blog about moving away, your dad, etc. I have the same feelings all the time, but I guess we'll survive it. Well, I'll talk to you later. There's about a million things I have to tell/ask you!

Natalie said...

Thanks Hannah. I really want to hear how your weekend was! And by the way, I have something to tell you...I hope you won't be involves DE and a band jacket and a mistake I--I mean, Mark--made.

Aubrey Koehler said...

so u should look on my blg site i put more on there one today too! go look
ps where did u get that daddy daughter picture from?

Chlorine Addict said...

I'll admit it. I did make a mistake. But I've seen the light at the end of the tunnel. Wait. That sounds a lot like death. Don't go to the light! I'm not ready for death yet! I still have to go on a date with Hannah!