Saturday, November 10, 2007

Uh, what?

I am not a huge fan of mashed potatoes, I'll come right out and admit that. But I always try everything on the dinner table, of course. So, a couple of Sundays ago, we were sitting down to a nice family dinner. Complete with mashed potatoes (potatoes are a Sunday meal staple for our family). I took an admittedly small amount of mashed potatoes and put them on my plate, where they would wait until I felt like eating them (read: never).

Now it should be known that my family always makes fun of me for my small servings of mashed potatoes. Someone always comments on the immensity of the serving. So I was expecting a smart remark from someone in my family.

At one point, KJ turns to me and says, "Wow, Nat. That's a throffy serving of potatoes you've got there." We all looked at her and thought, "What in the world is she trying to say?" Seeing our bewildered expressions, she tried to explain herself. "You know, like...throffy! Like, that's a lot!"

Okay, Karly.

Sidenote: Karly and I are the ones who thought the kid in Les Mis was saying "Obellah". It has become one of our favorite exclamations. You know, like instead of saying, "Oh my goodness!" one could just say, "Obellah!"


Melissa said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE THE PICTURE OF THE WEEK!! And I you make me laugh on your blog!

Anonymous said...

I have no idea why you guys were shocked, because I ALWAYS make up words like that. And you, out of all people, should have been the least shocked! Latuppi has become a part of our vocabulary! -Karly

Unknown said...

Also, I googled "Throfy" and found 109 results for it. This means that, while still not a word, Karly is not the only one to make that mistake.

FiddleWiz said...